How to Make Your Designs Marketable

How to Make Your Designs Marketable

Do you ever wonder why your designs aren’t selling? All those time and effort seemingly not paying off could be one of the worst feelings for an artist. This could feel discouraging, but don’t stop now! Here are ways on how you can make it work for you:

Know Your Audience

Who are you making these designs for? What would sell the most for them? By knowing your target clients and audience, you will be able to tweak your portfolio to cater to their needs. Through this, you will capture their attention and let them know that you’re the artist for them!

Take Time to Create Quality, Marketable Designs

Quality should always be the top priority when curating a portfolio. It’s best to make sure that every design has a heart — that all of them was done with time and effort. Don’t just make designs because you need to make them. A portfolio should have a purpose and a flow.
You can also use mockups to present your designs to clients so that they can be showcased better. Mockups will help show clients and companies what your designs look like when placed on clothes, home products, stationery, and more.

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